Mata Chamunda Devi 

Click to EnlargeChamunda Devi Yatri Niwas 

Barely 300m from the temple of Chamunda Devi, Himachal Tourism runs a Yatri Niwas. This rests on the same spur as the shrine which is clearly visible from it. The water of the Baner (Banganga) rivulet flow just below the Yatri Niwas. On the facing hill, the Durga Temple is is visible. Rooms are airy, spacious, decently furnished with attached baths and running hot & cold water. Restaurant, Room Service, Parking within premises.

ADDRESS: Yatri Niwas, Chamunda Devi (H.P.)Click to Enlarge
Distt.-Kangra (H.P.)b

Tel:  (01892) - 236065.

          Hotels and Guest Houses

Abhinandan, Chamunda 01892-234413
Amritsar Hotel 01892-235762
Atithi Hotel 01892-236538
Bombay Palace 01892-236900
Himani GH 01892-236901
Marvel Hotel 01892-236341
Mona Sita GH 01892-236352      
Paras Palace, Jandrangal 01892-234773
Saadar Hotel 01892-236232
Satkar hotel 01892-234417
Sharma PGH 01892-236134
Sunita Hotel 01892-241850
Yatri Niwas, TDC 01892-236065


 "Chalo Bulawa Aaya Hai, Mata ne Bulaya Hai"